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Our mission is to add value to your business and contribute to your success. Our tax experts are experienced in providing cutting edge tax advice for both personal and business clients.

Small Business Tax Preparation

The Tax and Jobs Act has added an even greater level of complication to small business tax preparation.  To ensure you are benefiting from every legal deduction and every legal credit, bring us your income statements, balance sheets, and other financial documents and we'll prepare your taxes ensuring that you don't pay Uncle Sam one cent more than you should.

IRS Resolution/Representation

If you owe back taxes & feel stressed or pressured as if there is no escape, we'll help you get things under control and back on track.  Giving you peace of mind.

Tax Planning

Do your currently have a tax plan for your business?  Is it possible that another business filing type would be more financially beneficial?  There is far more to taxes than filling out forms and e-filing.  If you follow the right strategy you can reduce your tax burden and keep more of your business earnings.

Our experts analyze your financial situation from a tax efficiency point of view to allow you to make the best use of the various tax exemptions, deductions and benefits to minimize your liability throughout the year.

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